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Hamish Macbeth
Précédent  3x01 Suivant
The Honourable Policeman
Diffusé le : 16/03/1997
Tongues are set wagging in Lochdubh when the lonely local laird, Major Maclean, returns home from holiday with a glamorous fiancee - but is it his animal magnetism or his Highland estate that Serena finds so irresistible? Hamish is to be best man at the wedding, but he already has his hands full coping with Anne Patterson, the overzealous WPC trainee who's been posted to Lochdubh. His convincing performance as the model policeman sweeps Anne off her feet. Will Hamish resist her undoubted charms - and will he discover the true identity of the Major's fiancee before the marital knot is tied? (
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