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Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction
(Chroniques du Mystère : Fiction ou Réalité)
(X-Factor: Das Unfassbare)
Précédent  1x03 Suivant
The Prophecy, Couch Potato, Love Over the Counter, Imaginary Friend & Last Man on Earth
Diffusé le : 08/06/1997
"The Prophecy" - Three girls learn a harsh lesson not to mess with black magic when a spirit forever takes one of them with him, never to be seen again. "Couch Potato" - A very obese man goes under a heart attack, and dies, only be be revived by an electric shock by his television set. "Love Over The Counter" - A woman invests in stocks based on signs she thinks her dead husband is leaving for her. "Imaginary Friend" - A girl's imaginary friend proves to be more than just imaginary when he tells her that a couple was divorcing, and within that same family, the girl's best friend falls seriously ill. "Last Man On Earth" - A divorce couple are reunited by songs on a radio station. Only after they fall back in love, they discover the station that they heard never existed. (
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