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Keen Eddie
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Eddie Loves Baseball
Diffusé le : 24/06/2003
When a huge soccer star, Colin Kinney, is involved in a shooting, Eddie decides to hold him back until he comes clean. At this point, news breaks out, making Eddie the most hated person in the U.K. Colin's lawyer tells him not to talk, so Eddie and Pippin start to interview people who maybe could help with the case. They finally interview his wife, and they notice a lot of pictures of their daughter, who isn't around. They ask where she is, and his wife decides to come clean. Colin tells them about how he was involved in the shooting, how they were going to talk to the kidnappers, and accidentally shot his friend, Martin Moon, in the process. The kidnappers told him to lose in the world cup, or his daughter dies, but Eddie has another idea. Colin is free of charges, and starts to play in the world cup. He does not do what the kidnappers wishes, but he scores majority every point in the game. The kidnappers, who are watching the game, phones his wife, and Eddie and co, tracks them (
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