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The Powers of Matthew Star
(Matthew Star)
Précédent  1x17 Suivant
The Quadrian Caper
Diffusé le : 25/02/1983
Deke Griffin gets out of jail after twelve years. He sets into car of who he believes is old partner, Vince, but actually its Donna, Vince's daughter. Vince is dead. Donna wants Deke's help to rob a small bank. Deke wants instead to get ten million in diamonds. After an airplane flight, Matt and Walt end up at Gary Wymore's pet-filled home, nephew of the general. General Wymore says this case is of a personal nature and Walt says no. That wasn't part of their agreement. Gary walks in with a Saint Bernard dog (Charlemagne)and explains he needed quick money to keep the animal shelter open, and ""borrowed"" an expensive necklace from Ms. Brewer's safety deposit box, since he works at the bank. However, they changed the security system and Gary is no longer able to put the necklace back. Deke arrives at the fancy estate of Frank Lund and escorted inside. Deke wants his share of the Emburro Diamonds from the job which he just served twelve years for. Frank shrugs and sa (
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