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The Powers of Matthew Star
(Matthew Star)
Précédent  1x14 Suivant
The Racer's Edge
Diffusé le : 28/01/1983
Tony Garcia goes up to hotel clerk and says he is looking for Caroline Ashley. He goes up to her room, but is called into a neighboring room. Before he knows what is happening, he is shot with an animal tranquilizer. A different man grabs Mr. Garcia's ID and puts it in his own pocket. A reporter named Burnside is pestering Caroline while she works on her dirt bike. He wants an interview; she wants her mechanic. The man that shot the real Tony Garcia shows up and claims he is Tony Garcia, her new mechanic. Matt is playing darts with Terri. She's very bad, but he makes her better with telekinesis and says she's a natural. They are about to kiss when his communication ring from Wymore goes off. He leaves Terri, but tells her to keep practicing. As Walt and Matt wait for the General to arrive at an airplane hangar, Matt complains that his love life is being destroyed by Wymore. Wymore shows up in a trenchcoat ala Casablanca and informs them Sherman Ashley of the State Department (
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