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The Powers of Matthew Star
(Matthew Star)
Précédent  1x06 Suivant
The Italian Caper
Diffusé le : 29/10/1982
In Italy, a supply truck in the midst of a convoy travels through rocky hills under armed guard. Terrorists watching from higher in the hills throw grenades and start firing. Another grenade causes something in a wooden crate to fall out of the back of the truck and roll off the edge of a cliff, followed by an avalanche of heaving rocks. The terrorists are not happy. Neither are the American soldiers. Walt is talking to General Tucker on the phone. Tucker needs help to retrieve an Anti-Gravity Device (AGD) from its rock burial. Walt refuses, since it's the middle of a semester. Better to wait until next school break. Meanwhile, Matthew opens window to feed Sam and blows cash off desk, which is for the school dance. Matthew is president of the School Dance Committee. He and Pam aren't seeing eye to eye on the choice of music. The school principal enters Walt's classroom the next day and announces that Matt is a finalist in the International Science Fair Contest, to be held in I (
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