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Wagon Train
(La Grande caravane)
Précédent  1x13 Suivant
The Clara Beauchamp Story
Diffusé le : 11/12/1957
A small group of cavalry men are on their way to their new post at a remote fort. At a small distance from the fort they tangle with two Indian Braves out hunting, unaware that their new commanding officer has worked out an agreement with the Chief of the local tribe about hunting rights around the fort and reservation. Not knowing that the Braves were not breaking any rules the troops give chase and shoot one brave dead. The Wagon Train becomes the target for the Chief's anger and he threatens to attack it. Helped by Flint, the Colonel tries to broker an agreement with the Chief and the deal is nearly closed when the Colonel's alchoholic wife appears on the scene. Conflict seems inevitable when she insults the Chief and the deal is off. (
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