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Ep. #677 Mon
Diffusé le : 04/03/2002
Sheridan's new waitressing job at Liz's café gets off to a clumsy start. Brian defends Sheridan to Liz. Sheridan and Brian continue to grow closer. Back in Harmony, Luis assures a concerned Hank that he is trying to get over Sheridan. Luis tells his friend that Theresa's suicide attempt has made him realize he can't hold on to false hope. Chad pays Whitney a visit. Embarrassed by her behavior the night before, Whitney pushes him away. Chad claims he finally saw the ""real"" Whitney. She quickly denies that she has feelings for him and insists she doesn't have a passion for singing. Whitney is stunned when Chad reveals he's moving out. Theresa misunderstands Ethan's actions when he stops by to check on her. Ethan panics when a devastated Theresa locks herself in her room. Julian urges Theresa to stick with their plan. Timmy consults the magic scroll about the future. (
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