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Green Acres
(Les Arpents verts)
Précédent  3x18 Suivant
Home is Where You Run Away From
Diffusé le : 10/01/1968
Eb finds a runaway boy in the barn. When Oliver askes for his name, the boy tells everything but. Claiming such names as "Paul Frankcann", "Carlos Hot Pepers", "Pretty Boy Floyd", and "Al Hamilton" he tries to hide from police when Oliver reports him. The boy then runs away to the Ziffel's claiming to be "Oliver Wendall Douglas Jr." when the Douglases come to pick him up, he disappears and reappears at Drucker's claiming to be "Fred Ziffel Jr.", when Oliver drives over to Drucker's, the boy hitches a ride with Hank Kimball claiming to be "Sam Drucker Jr.". On their way to the airport, they're pulled over when the officer identifies the little boy as Gilbert Henshaw, who in return, claims to be "Hank Kimball Jr." The next day, Gilbert is home, but Eb discovers four more run away boys in the barn, (
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