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Guiding Light
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Monday April 25, 2005
Diffusé le : 25/04/2005
Harley remembers the smell of perfume at Company the night of Phillip's murder. She goes to call Gus, but is stopped by Mallet. Lena calls Alan, who is paying her to spy on Harley in jail! Meanwhile, Gus is being held captive in a cell. When he tries to escape, a mysterious voice tells him that if he doesn't give up the investigation, Harley will die! Cassie and Dinah get into an argument which is interrupted by Vanessa! Dinah is outraged when Vanessa tells her that she wants her to come back to Switzerland with her and Matt. Cassie threatens to put a restraining order against Ross and Vanessa. Jonathan gets a shock when he sees Darla, a mysterious woman from his past. Darla asks for the information that JB was supposed to get or he will pay the consequences! (
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