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Guiding Light
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Friday April 8, 2005
Diffusé le : 08/04/2005
Gus catches Bill and Harley and bed, and Harley lies that they made love. Harley gets sentenced to 25 years to life, despite a surprise testimony from Alan in support of Harley. Reva and Josh meet with Dr. Sedwick, who tells them that Reva is not pregnant, instead, she is going through menopause! Cassie enters the Jessup farm to see baby supplies and demands that Edmund tell her the truth. Edmund tells her that she has hired someone to carry their baby and a horrified Cassie leaves. After seeing Harley saying goodbye to Zach and Jude, she returns to the farm and tries to get Edmund to tell the name of the surrogate mother, when Dinah appears in the doorway! (
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