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Guiding Light
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Wednesday March 30, 2005
Diffusé le : 30/03/2005
Although Dinah tries to convince him to wait and make sure there are no complications, Edmund leaves to find Cassie and tell her about the baby. Meanwhile, Reva is excited and anxious to tell Josh that she's expecting. However, Josh has a surprise of his own when he produces plans for a dream house he wants to build for just the two of them, now that they can finally enjoy their freedom. At Jeffrey's place, Cassie and Jeffrey share a tender kiss. Unnerved, they both pull away. Meanwhile, Reva and Josh run into a frantic Edmund, desperate for information about Cassie's whereabouts. Reva gets a call from Jeffrey, asking her for help with Cassie and Reva leaves without alerting Edmund. After, Edmund pockets Josh's cell phone, determined to find Cassie. Reva arrives at Jeffrey's place and has a heart-to-heart with her sister. She apologizes for trying to tear apart Cassie's family and emotionally admits that she thinks she is pregnant. She leaves Cassie even more undecided. Meanwhile, Dina (
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