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As The World Turns
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Ep. #11436
Diffusé le : 01/02/2001
Unimpressed with the dingy office, Simon insists that Katie find another doctor in Oakdale. But the sole other patient in the waiting room (Henry incognito) gives Dr. Early a raving recommendation. Simon reluctantly accompanies Katie to the visit, which Henry pays for. A distressed Simon returns home and calls Lily. At the Lakeview, Chris and Emily are on a hesitant date, while Isaac and Denise share their first official night out together. Chris and Emily argue over how to handle Henry. Denise is annoyed by Isaac's controlling attitude, like Ben's. She leaves. Chris storms off when Emily insists they are only friends. Isaac and Emily bump into each other, and decide to have a drink together. Jake demands to know why there are so many discrepancies on Vicky's death certificate. As Jake presses, the Sheriff agrees to help Jake find answers. The medical examiner stands by his statement that Vicky was not pregnant at the time of her death. Cloche, the fisherman who found Vicky, made a statement that Vicky was already dead when he discovered her. Jake insists on speaking to Cloche directly. Vicky appears and urges Jake not to go near the lion. The Sheriff tells Jake Cloche spends most of his time on his boat - The Sea Lion! (
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