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My Favorite Martian
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Hitchhike to Mars
Diffusé le : 01/03/1964
The Inter-Galaxy Corporation is launching a rocket to either Mars or Venus. Martin needs to convince them to choose Mars, so that he can stowaway and get home. J.M. Buckley, Inter-Galaxy's President, is an indecisive man, but is highly superstitious and makes many decisions on these superstitions. He is leaning toward sending the rocket to Mars, but two things are distracting him from making the announcement of such: it's Friday the 13th, and he's missing his lucky rabbit's foot. Martin overcomes the date superstition by making Buckley think that Friday the 13th is the luckiest day on the calendar. The missing rabbit's foot on the other hand Martin and Tim need to find. They locate it, but in cat-chewed state. Martin realizes that many rabbit's feet look similar and he uses his powers to recreate it to its original visual state. That's all Buckley needs to make the announcement to send the rocket to Mars, the launch to take place in two days. To thank the corporation, Martin suggests adding a magnetic oscilloscope, an invaluable piece of equipment for the mission, to the rocket. This act of kindness on Martin's part is also his error: with the addition of the oscilloscope, there is no more room for a stowaway. (
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