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Man from U.N.C.L.E. (The)
(Des agents très spéciaux)
(The Man From U.N.C.L.E.)
Précédent  3x29 Suivant
Tueurs au karaté : 2eme partie
Diffusé le : 07/04/1967
Solo and Illya visit the laboratory of Dr. True, who has discovered how to extract gold from seawater. But Dr. True dies from a poison given him by THRUSH agent Randolph, and Randolph also kills his wife Amanda. The gold extraction formula was distributed in portions by True to his daughters, in inscriptions on a photo of himself. Solo and Illya meet Sandy True, who accompanies them to Rome, to find her half sister Margo, now unhappily married to the destitute Baron de Fanzini to London, to find the next sister Imogen, who has been arrested by a Constablefor indecent exposure and finally the Alps, to find Yvonne, who is breaking off an unhappy relationship with Karl Von Kesser. But after decoding the message in Japan, Solo, Illya and Sandy are captured by Randolph and taken to THRUSH central for execution. (
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