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Les commancheros
Diffusé le : 26/06/1959
A badly beaten wild man, Bing, says that Comancheros are planning to take the herd. Rowdy befriends a woman, once a countess, now being held by the Comancheros. She offers a mirror for the kindness Rowdy has shown. Rowdy says he couldn't accept it. She sneaks it into his saddlebag. At a trading post the mirror is identified as one taken in a Comanche raid. Rowdy is thought to be a Comanchero and has to fight his way out. Rowdy goes to the Comanchero camp to get Louisa to back up his story and is caught. Loouisa tells Rowdy of the Comancheros plans. Bing was sent by the Comancheros to lead the drive to them. (
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