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Vengeance Unlimited
Précédent  1x13 Suivant
Diffusé le : 28/01/1999
Three friends in college wants to play a bit with the class nerd, and the girl makes a pass at him. But when the nerd thinks that he's going to get laid, instead he's ridiculed. But when he makes resistance, they hold him down, and a unfortunate blow by a baseball bat kills him... The three friends decides to bury him. Ten years later the body is found, and Chapel makes it his business to find the culprits. He sends every classmate a baseball bat and studies their reaction. Soon the three friends has a reunion of their own. Then Chapel enters as Arnie, a naive stalker, that claims to have seen everything. But the three friends doesn't want their lives ruined by a numbscull and decides to kill Arnie. But is there really an Arnie? (
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