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Just the Ten of Us
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Snow Job (1)
Diffusé le : 01/02/1990
Gavin Doosler is depressed that he can't go on the annual ski trip -- instead he'll be spending his break at his parents beach house in the Virgin Islands. When the girls get wind of this, of course they want to go to comfort him -- too bad his parents say the three of them ""are too sleazy to hang out with."" But since his parents love Marie, Wendy tells him that Marie has a crush on him. Marie, who was excited about the ski trip, is told that Gavin is dying. So the four girls head off in their winter attire (except Cindy, who foolishly leaves the house in her beach clothes) and they and Gavin are off on a private plane to the beach. Things are going well at first, until the clueless Sister Ethel reveals that the girls never arrived. (Part One of Two) (
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