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Burke's Law
(L'Homme à la Rolls)
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Who Killed 1/2 of Glory Lee?
Diffusé le : 08/05/1964
The co-owner of a fashion house is killed in an elevator collapse that may not have been an accident. Les is convinced that it is the work of a madman, since no one could have determined who would be in the elevator. In the midst of battles between the other owner and the company's chief designer, the tantrums of the designer's spoiled daughter, the problems of an elderly seamstress, the divorce plans of the victim's less-than grieving widow, the industrial espionage of a rival, and one real fancy ""floating crap game"", Burke thinks he has the case solved, until it is determined that the victim was dead before the elevator crashed, struck down by a strangely shaped blunt instrument. A military insignia provides the final clue to the case. (
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