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One Life to Live
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Ep. #8851
Diffusé le : 21/02/2003
Antonio and Cris press Sanders to explain Mitch's connection to his clinic. As Bo and Nora make their case to an astounded Viki, Todd arrives and asks why everyone is discussing his late, unlamented father. Meanwhile, Mitch gleefully informs a groggy Natalie that the time has come to give away her heart. As Joey bemoans the fact that he can't rescue all the teenagers he's met at the community center, Andrew encourages his curate to remember that saving even one young life will be a victory in itself. Though Viki insists that their father is long gone, Todd points out that they both know Victor might still be among the living. Nora helps Bo obtain an arrest warrant for Mitch. Antonio unearths evidence of a transfer of Jessica's blood to the Coleman Clinic. Viki urges an unhappy Todd to believe that he is nothing like Victor. Joey follows Flash to a makeshift performance space, where she bolts in a panic before taking the stage. Viki and Jessica decide to travel to Jason's Landing. Meanw (
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