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One Life to Live
Précédent  35x143 Suivant
Ep. #8850
Diffusé le : 20/02/2003
Though Starr gives Todd a hero's welcome, Blair icily reminds her ex how his actions always wind up hurting innocent bystanders. Antonio catches Cristian trying to hot wire a police car. A rattled Viki confides to Jessica how the monogrammed scarf Mitch gave Jen was exactly like the ones Victor used to wear. Meanwhile, Mitch hands a groggy Natalie over to the surgical team. Unable to persuade Cris to return to his hospital bed, Antonio reluctantly agrees to accompany his brother up to Jason's Landing. Painful memories flood back for Viki as she and Jessica sift through Victor's old trunk for clues to Natalie's whereabouts. Todd admits he messed up again but urges Blair to remember how much they need each other. Nora and Troy have an awkward encounter at the police station. Todd is devastated when Blair tearfully asks him to remove himself from their children's lives. Bo learns that Jessica and her maternal grandfather both share the same rare blood type. Later, Nora and Bo explain to a (
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