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One Life to Live
Précédent  35x141 Suivant
Ep. #8848
Diffusé le : 18/02/2003
Starr tells Viki her dad is going to be a hero. At the abandoned theater, Todd comes to and finds Bo standing over him. Meanwhile, alarmed to see his brother lying in a pool of blood, Antonio calls for an ambulance. Jessica explains to her mother how Mitch abducted Blair and demanded Natalie in exchange. Bo places a protesting Todd under arrest. Mitch drags Natalie to a motel, where he places a call to the old man. Relieved to see Todd alive, a tearful Blair throws her arms around his neck. At the ER, Antonio breaks some bad news to his distraught mother. Mitch dyes Natalie's hair blonde. Todd admits to accidentally shooting Cris but swears to an outraged Viki that he was trying to protect both Natalie and Blair. Troy assures Carlotta and Antonio that Cris will make a full recovery. Later, Jen helps Cristian slip away from the hospital. Mitch drugs Natalie after placing a ""J"" around her neck. Blair and Starr are joyfully reunited. Viki is rattled to recognize her father's scarf at the (
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