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One Life to Live
Précédent  35x139 Suivant
Ep. #8846
Diffusé le : 14/02/2003
Chris staggers out to the road, where he's picked up by a passing motorist. Meanwhile, asleep in Todd's car, Natalie dreams of attending a party at Capricorn, where she struggles to locate the man she loves. At the theater, Blair dreams of Todd coming to her with a rose and all the right words to win her heart again. Natalie finds herself ostracized by the other party guests and turns to her twin for help, but Jessica shrilly announces that she will never fit in. Later, Mitch corners his wife and warns Natalie there is no escape. Jessica dreams of Antonio, who reminds her that her unfortunate family connection to Mitch will haunt her forever. Todd phones Starr to reassure her that he'll soon have her mother safely home again. In Natalie's dream, Cris finally appears and saves her from Mitch with the power of his undying love. As Flash sleeps, she imagines Joey taking her to the Capricorn party for Valentine's Day. Nora's dream about all the men she's loved and lost inspires her to be e (
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