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One Life to Live
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Ep. #8845
Diffusé le : 13/02/2003
Nora apologizes to Gabrielle for monopolizing Bo's time. Dr. Conklin tells Keri the baby is doing well but will need a few additional tests. Blair manages to wriggle free of her ropes and slips away from her guards. Todd tracks Cris and Natalie to the cave, where he claims he was sent by Bo to fetch them home now that Mitch is safely behind bars. Meanwhile, Jen awakens to find Mitch standing over her hospital bed. The news of Nora's broken engagement unnerves Gabrielle, as does Bo's announcement that his ex will now be working alongside him as the new ADA. Mitch advises a frightened Jen to choose her words more carefully from now on. Jessica surprises Antonio by refusing to pass judgment on him. Unconvinced by Todd's story, Cris refuses to leave with him. Sensing that Blair is still close at hand, Mitch flushes her out by threatening to kidnap Jack and Starr. Todd stabs Cris with a hypodermic to knock him out, then carries an unconscious Natalie back to his car. Jen refuses to incrimin (
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