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One Life to Live
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Ep. #8839
Diffusé le : 05/02/2003
Arriving at the train station, Antonio is surprised to bump into Jessica, who explains that she's returned from London because she realized she can't run away from her problems. Troy finally tells Nora about his first wife and why he blames himself for her death. Upon discovering that she's being followed by one of Mitch's goons, Viki informs the man that she won't be intimidated by his evil master. Revealing how Lindsay blackmailed him, Troy insists he had no choice but to bed her to protect the woman he really loved. As he moves into his new digs, Max is consumed with memories of Luna. Meanwhile, Renee cautions Al that his father isn't dealing well with his latest divorce. Jen lies unconscious in the snow while Marciey grows concerned about her missing friend. Liz hurries to prevent R.J. from letting the cat out of the bag to their daughter. Jessica helps Antonio cope with an emergency after the blizzard causes an accident on the tracks. Nora tearfully informs Troy he's destroyed any (
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