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Get Smart (1965)
(Max la Menace)
Précédent  1x03 Suivant
School Days
Diffusé le : 02/10/1965
Smart goes undercover at the CONTROL spy school to find an undercover KAOS spy. CONTROL's spy school has been infiltrated by KAOS. To find the imposter, Max and Fang go undercover as students, while 99 poses as an instructor. There are three students suspected of being imposters - Dimitri, Grillak, and Zukor. Max must verify that Dimitri speaks a rare East Himalayan dialect, that Zukor has unusual handwriting, and that Grillak has a heart-shaped birthmark. Max finds himself all wet when attempting to eliminate them from the suspect list and he and 99 get captured and tied to a bomb. It is only by Fang's skilled intervention that they aren't blown to bits. (
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