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It's All Relative
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Philip in a China Shop
Diffusé le : 06/04/2004
Philip, Audrey, and Madddy go with Bobby and Liz to register for their wedding while Simon and Mace try and put together a crib. While shopping, Bobby picks out the wrong Bowl so Liz banishes him to a room with a bunch of other guys who are registering for their weddings too. He bonds with them and they watch TV. Audrey goes to see Dr. Bob, a television star who does therapy to get him to sign her book. Maddy hates her bridesmaid dress and her mother thinks it's nice. They have a small argument on who's right about what kind of girl Maddy is and Maddy waits in line with her mother to see Dr. Bob to prove she's right. Philip freaks out about a gravy boat on display not being able to be sold and climbs on to the top shelf and won't come down. They call in Dr. Bob, who says it's not the gravy boat that has Philip so upset, it's losing Liz. But Dr. Bob (with the help of Simon--who with Mace went to the mall to get a piece for the crib) and Liz make Philip feel better and come down. (
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