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The Adventures of Ozzie & Harriet
Précédent  9x18 Suivant
The Chaperones
Diffusé le : 25/01/1961
The Maynards with their daughter Joyce are visiting the Nelsons where Ricky meets Joyce and invites her to a Frat party which may be at a mountain cabin on a lake. The Nelsons offer to be chaperones so that the party will be at their house much to the relief of the Maynards (especially Harry). However the party appears not to be at the Nelsons nor the Frat house. The Nelsons drive up to the mountain cabin and only find the Frat house poker party. Ozzie calls Harry Maynard throughout episode to find out where the party should be and finally upon Harry's suggestion they drive to the Pine Lodge to speak to the desk clerk (Richard Deacon), but still no party. They return home to find that the party is in full swing at their house after all. The story being that the party started out at the Frat house but when the record player broke down, it moved to The Nelsons. However, Ricky and Joyce are still missing and are located at the Maynard's house. They leave for the party. Also the Maynards (
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