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Précédent  5x17
Aftershocks (2)
Diffusé le : 05/05/1988
Since the announcement of wedding plans for Peter and Devon Sloan, the interior designer hired to re-decorate the hotel, Christine has been depressed. Peter's fiancee has begun to interfere with hotel operations. Unable to convince Peter that Devon's meddling is hurting the hotel's operations, Christine resigns. Peter recognizes Christine's great value, but it's too late. Peter decides that he and Devon are too much alike and neither one could change enough to make their marriage work. Reluctantly, Devon agrees and packs for departure. Later, Peter begs Christine to return. One of the reasons Peter broke up with Devon is the love he still feels for Christine. Cliff Phillips, the personable new assistant manager, is enjoying the rekindling of a friendship he formed with two other men when they shared jury duty a year ago. Tom Conner, the aggressive jury foreman, arranged the reunion with Cliff and Joe Duran for a serious reason. (
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