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Comfort and Joy
Diffusé le : 19/12/1987
With Christmas only two days away, new full owner Peter and general manager Christine prepare to host the annual St. Gregory Hotel staff party. Among the honored guests this year are Dave, the ex-bellman who became a San Diego attorney, and his pregnant wife Megan. Peter and Christine, returning from a Portland convention, become marooned in a remote mountain village when their rented Porsche breaks down. Because the local garage doesn't have the auto parts to repair the Porsche, Peter and Christine are forced to stay in a decrepit boarding house room with only one bed. On the second night, Peter and Christine share the bed with a hanging sheet as a partition, but eventually end up in each other's arms. Although they have drifted into friendship, the incident brings them closer together. The hotel party is in full swing as Peter and Christine return and learn that Megan has given birth to a healthy baby boy. (
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