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And Baby Makes Two
Diffusé le : 31/10/1987
Garment manufacturer Robert Matthews, whose business brings him to San Francisco twice a month, is having an affair with dress designer Lynn Patterson. Their affair is interrupted when Robert's dutiful wife Gail pays him a surprise visit. Distraught, Gail seeks the solace of an old friend, Margaret Hudson, who advises Gail to win back Robert's love. Meanwhile, Lynn informs Robert that she has tested positive for AIDS and that Robert has been exposed to the virus. Robert knows that if he tests negative, he won't have to admit his unfaithfulness to his wife. Christine finds an abandoned baby in one of the rooms and plays baby-sitter while Billy seeks out the mother. Christine, who had been abandoned by her own father at an early age, relates strongly to the motherless child. Christine obtains permission from the child services department to be the baby's foster parent. Noticing that Christine is getting too deeply involved with somebody else's child, Peter begins to show concern. (
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