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Hail and Farewell
Diffusé le : 10/10/1987
Richard Anderson (TED SHACKELFORD), whose wife has been declared dead but whose body has never been recovered, hires a psychic, Natalie Trent (GINGER ROGERS), to verify her death. At a séance, Natalie brings forth the voice of his wife Linda, who accuses Anderson of plotting her accident. Later in Natalie's suite, the real Linda (KATHRYN LEIGH SCOTT) appears, having recruited Aunt Natalie for a sting operation to prove her husband's guilt. After figuring out that his wife is alive and in the hotel, Anderson devises a plot to lure both Linda and Natalie to their death. Dave, having passed the bar, seeks employment as a lawyer. While Megan plans to keep her job unless she and Dave have to move out of San Francisco, Dave is offered an interview for a promising position with a firm in San Diego. Christine, whose torrid love affair with her boss Peter has reverted to a less volatile friendship, is dismayed that Peter has chosen another date for the annual Hotel Association Awards Banquet. (
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