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Diffusé le : 14/08/1985
Nicholas and Olga Petrovsky are a middle-aged couple who have decided to return to Russia with their 16-year-old American-born son Alex. After a scholarship offer from Stanford tennis coach Ken Daily, Alex has an emotional argument with his father that ends with Nicholas striking his son. Olga finally tells Alex the truth: Nicholas is suffering from an incurable disease and wants to return to his homeland to die. Alex understands and decides to accompany his family to Russia. At the last minute, however, Nicholas tells Alex to stay in the U.S. and live with his coach. Julie hits it off with Matthew Bowers, a charming jazz pianist, then impresses everyone as she sings along with Matthew's trio. Matthew's former lover, singing star Debra Andrews, is also booked at the hotel. While Matthew has bitter feelings of having been left behind by Debra, the real object of Matthew's anger is Debra's new manager, Lou Valentine. (
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