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Dan Tanna is Dead
Diffusé le : 21/11/1979
A man steals a toxin from a medical research facility, then proceeds to infect Tanna with it. Dan, after feeling a little uneasy, decides to go to the doctor, who tells him that Dan's infected with a toxin and that he is going to die. The man calls and taunts Dan. He intially suspects a man named Cruger, who he sent to prison, but he tells him that he has nothing to do with it but is looking forward to seeing Dan die. He also tells him where he can go to find some of the answers he is looking for at the Nevada Research Center, because the man who did it called him. When Dan gets there, the doctor in charge of the project tells him that unless they get back the toxin so that they could make an anti-toxin, Dan has very little hope. Dan suspects that a doctor named Durand, whom he sent away for making bogus cures and medical treatments. But Nelson tells him that Durand is still in prison but when they get there, they discover that the man whom the prison believes to be Durand is not Duran (
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