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First Wave
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Marker 262
Diffusé le : 11/11/1998
"Their doom was sealed at the gate / steel chariots vanished in still clear nigh / Glorious terrain left undefended / 'till the river changes course". What did this Nostradamus quatrain have to do with Ash Grove, Missouri, a small Midwestern town that billed itself as "Hot Rod Heaven?" Crazy Eddie heard the news of the mysterious disappearance of one Jason Coleman, drag-racer and car mechanic, who vanished as he crossed the finish line. Was the disappearance of Jason Coleman and his Corvette part of an alien experiment? With some bogus credentials from the Transportation Safety Board, I was gonna find out. Gentlemen, start your engines. Met the hot-rod gang that Jason ran with. Rodder Tommy Cranston drove against Jason the night he disappeared, said he figured Jason got scared and took off after the race. Darcy, Tommy's girl, directed me to Jason's house. She said she had a bad feeling about Jason's vanishing act. (
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