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The Chris Isaak Show
Précédent  2x01 Suivant
In the Name of Love
Diffusé le : 06/01/2002
From Showtime: A major rock journalist, Stephanie Furst, wants to interview Chris for a book she's writing on the legendary Roy Orbison. But Chris is leery after the guys in the band warn him she has a reputation for trashing her subjects. Very suspicious, Chris agrees to meet with her for half an hour only. To his astonishment, he is completely smitten by Stephanie the moment they meet and fabricates Roy Orbison anecdotes as a reason to keep seeing her. Kenney, despite his better judgment, asks Anson for an introduction to Valerie, a gorgeous babe who's the friend of Anson's new squeeze. What he gets is a double date that takes him from the height of anticipation to the depths of despair. Yola, meanwhile, shares an elevator with the incredibly handsome Dr. Kip Milberg, a canine psychologist, and develops an instant love for dogs. She borrows Jimi, a Springer spaniel with destructive behavior problems and books an appointment. But on their first date, Yola notices some rather biz (
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