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The Chris Isaak Show
Précédent  1x06 Suivant
Diffusé le : 16/04/2001
From Showtime: When his band's guitar tech drunkenly passes out backstage, Chris hires Jimmy Vane, an amazing guitar player who used to front a band called the Hurricanes, to replace him. It turns out Jimmy's had a few rough years since Chris last heard him play - substance abuse problems and some time in jail for petty theft - but he swears he's clean now and he does know guitars. Things are okay at first, but soon Chris senses that Jimmy resents his success and Hershel isn't too happy when Jimmy steals the spotlight after being invited on stage to play with Silvertone. Hershel isn't the only one with a rival. Yola is surprised to discover that her formerly chunky college pal Meg, has slimmed down considerably and now uses her newly luscious body to provide inspiration for great songwriters - in short, guys like Chris. Meanwhile, Anson finds his own form of feminine - if somewhat ghoulish - inspiration in Lisa, the makeup girl at the funeral parlor where he's landed a moonlighting (
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