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Royal Canadian Air Farce
Précédent  8x05 Suivant
Episode 8-05
Diffusé le : 27/10/2000
The Wendy Report: Wendy Mesley takes aim at the G-20 Summit, economist reacts to the Nortel plunge, Carlos Delgado re-signs, J.K. Rowling Book Reading, Roger Clemens' bat incident, Arson in Winnipeg, Beethoven vs. Keith Richards, Angela Lansbury, Wal-Mart Wine, and three political natural disasters. Bill Clinton Dials 976-Yassar: Yassar Arafat and Bill Clinton trade war stories about life in the Middle East and life with Hillary. Vote Clark: Joe Clark does a campaign ad from the woods but unlike Stockwell Day, he doesn't cut it. Election Update - B.S. 2000: Sandi Rinaldo from the Air Farce election center, B.S. 2000. Off The Record: TSN's Michael Landsberg talks sports and looks pretty. Girder Worker: A girder worker talks about Stockwell Day, Joe Clark, Brian Mulroney, Glen Clark, a Jean Chretien election issue, and a topless logging protester. Time Change: A couch potato discovers the toughest adjustment about Standard Time is resetting the clock on his VCR. Wendy's (
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