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Royal Canadian Air Farce
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Episode 8-02
Diffusé le : 06/10/2000
News From Away # 2: Jimmy and Shamus continue their look back at the summer of 2000. Their list of topics include, O'Canada sung in schools, outlawing gangs in Montreal, rumoured merger between NDP and PC's, the start of the NHL season, and the re-release of the Exorcist. Olympic Moment - 100M Run: A couple of Canadians anxiously await the start of the 100 M finals. Clark's Return: Joe Clark returns to the House of Commons, a leader without a party. Synchronized Weightlifting: Synchronized weightlifters perform for the judges. PM's New Security Detail: Jean Chretien's new security team - the pie police. Brian Williams ""Time"": Brian Williams is left clockless in Sydney. Lobster Tales: More trouble in the New Brunswick lobster fishery - the lobsters get a lawyer. Gas Price: While filling up his car a customers temper rises faster than gas prices. Canadian Beer Commercial: Mike from Canmore makes a beer commercial. Valerie Pringle - Water: Ontario's water quality c (
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