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Royal Canadian Air Farce
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Episode 6-10
Diffusé le : 08/01/1999
Chretien Phones Clinton Jean Chretien phones in his support for Bill Clinton Beavertone News - The Olympics A bribery scandal has an Olympic spokesperson changing the organization's name from IOC to IOU Mansbridge and Expectant Mother Canada's most handsome newscaster interviews Canada's most pregnant woman ESL News The English As A Second Language News team targets a downed balloonist, a postal increase, and Bill Clinton, who goes both up and down The Confused Philosopher The Confused Philosopher takes a cerebral walk on the weird side Beavertone News - Atwood Bug Margaret Atwood discovers what it is like to have a bug's life Billy Two Willies Native spokesperson Billy Two Willies lists the Top Ten ways to spend one hundred million dollars Sisket & Ebert Bickering balcony buddies, Siskel & Ebert go thumb to thumb over their favourite movies from 1998 (
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