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Royal Canadian Air Farce
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6-New Year's Special
Diffusé le : 31/12/1998
News From Away Jimmy and Seamus O'Toole look back and laugh at the top stories making the news in 1998. Included on their humour hit list are a Canadian Couple returning from a Brazilian Jail, Saddam Hussein getting bombed, Operation Desert Fox, Asian Financial Crisis, plywood police, the Quebec election, Dorothy Joudrie, and a woman who gives birth over the internet. Martha Stewart and Bill Clinton Bill Clinton is treated to a Martha Stewart dipped cigar Mike's Holiday Thought Mike from Canmore demonstrates the only way to have a turkey for dinner Joe Clark and Jean Chretien Special guest Joe Clark discusses politics with Jean Chretien CTV News with Lloyd Robertson Special guest Lloyd Robertson anchors a newscast and sings from his favourite opera Sister Bonaventure Sister Bonaventure has a few choice words about High School strip searches I Love That Word Refooooorm Special guest Deborah Grey joins our Preston Manning in the singing of Auld Lang Syn (
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