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Royal Canadian Air Farce
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Episode 3-10
Diffusé le : 19/01/1996
Bingo Parlour Commentary Bingo patron discusses the news of the week. Stories include: the Duchess of York's financial woes, O.J. Simpson's new video tape, Michael and Lisa-Marie breaking up and Brian Tobin's new job as Newfoundland Premier. Bibby & Bibby The law firm of Bibby & Bibby help subway passengers ride the red rocket to easy street Airport Immigration Nothing gets by an airport immigration officer Chretien's Genie Jean Chretien returns from India with a magic Genie and goes ape. Russian All-Star A Russian hockey players wants to show that Doug Gilmour is nothing compared to his own marketable value. Queen's Rebuttal The Queen becomes a bit 'crotchety' over the latest scandal involving her husband, Prince Philip. Clinton's Financial Woes President Clinton discovers he's financially impotent. P.J. Nosliw Internet Computer wiz P.J. Nosliw surfs the net (
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