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Blake's 7
Précédent  1x01 Suivant
The Way Back
Diffusé le : 02/01/1978
Roj Blake meets up with a woman named Ravella, and after assuring her that he has been without food or drink for the last 36 hours is led to meet another man, Richie. Richie and Ravella convince Blake to go outside with them, despite this being a category 4 crime. Once outside they make their way to a meeting of a resistance group led by a man named Foster. Foster tells Blake that like himself, he was once with the resistance but that he was captured and basically 'reprogrammed' so that he would be an example to citizens of the Federation. Foster also informs Blake that the Viz tapes he gets from his family on the outer colonies are fakes. They were executed on arrival, just after Blake was first captured. Blake is stunned by the news and goes off to be by himself, he witnesses Federation troops approaching the area and watches helplessly as the resistance group, all of whom are unarmed, are mercilessly gunned down. Blake himself is captured a while later, while re-entering the city. (
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