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Days of our Lives
(Des jours et des vies)
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Ep. #9582
Diffusé le : 18/06/2003
PREVIEW: Belle and Philip are "stuck" in a compromising position; Victor asks Brady to move in; furious Cassie propositions Shawn. SUMMARY: Bo and Hope are still preparing the Fancy Face for the sale and Shawn approaches them and cannot believe it when he discovers they are planning to sell the boat. After the three of them talk it over, Shawn realizes it is for the best and tells them he is OK with it. Shawn takes off and Bo and Hope relive some more memories in an emotional montage. They head back downstairs to make love again… Mimi and Rex are in the afterglow of having made love for the first time. Mimi is in heaven, especially when Rex tells her that he is in love with her. Mimi can hardly contain herself and tells him that she loves him too. Rex continues to woo Mimi by telling her everything that he loves about her – and Mimi is just loving it up! She tells him she is the luckiest girl in the world! The two are hungry, so they head to the Brady Pub for some dinner, but are hav (
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