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Days of our Lives
(Des jours et des vies)
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Ep. #9529
Diffusé le : 03/04/2003
PREVIEW: Cassie and Belle fight; Sami throws Brandon out; things heat up between Mimi and Rex. SUMMARY: At the hospital, Sami is on the phone taking a message from a doctors wife for her husband. Sami feels bad because her husband is having an affair and she doesn't even know it. A nurse points out that some women can't see what's right in front of them and motions to Sami that Brandon is with that pregnant woman again. Sami says he won't be with her for long and takes off. When she returns, she has a guy named George, who works in the pharmacy, over to meet Gwen. She introduces George to Gwen and it is obvious that she is trying to make a love connection between the two. She takes Brandon off to the side and says they should let them talk, but Brandon tells her that this isn't going to work. Sami hurries up and says what a crush George has on Gwen, but Brandon tells her that he knows she did this to get him away from Gwen. Lexie then comes up and says that, for once, she agrees w (
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