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The Bold and the Beautiful
(Amour, Gloire et Beauté)
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Ep. #4984
Diffusé le : 25/01/2007
Eric finds Pam trying to throw Jackie out of the house. Eric asks for a moment alone with Jackie, during which she attempts to kiss him, until Pam interrupts again. Eric later tells Pam how wonderful it is that she looked after Ann for so many years alone and yet holds no resentment against Stephanie. Pam is touched by his words. Bridget yells at Nick and Taylor for being together and lays the guilt on Taylor about Thorne and Ally. Bridget tells Nick that she is now truly over him. Once alone, Taylor admits to Nick that she does have feelings for him, but explains that she has to be with Thorne. Rick returns to Los Angeles, having lost his job at Forrester International due to Nick's takeover. Rick blames Ridge and Stephanie for the cause. Rick questions Brooke on why she has gone back to Ridge and warns her that Ridge will never change and will only hurt her once again. (
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