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The Bold and the Beautiful
(Amour, Gloire et Beauté)
Précédent  20x61 Suivant
Ep. #4830
Diffusé le : 15/06/2006
Nick finds Stephen in his office and Stephen is concerned when Nick shows disinterest in continuing the fight against the Forresters. Stephen warns Nick not to underestimate Ridge and feels he will be putting a plan into action. Brooke drops by to see Taylor and apologises for Stephen. Taylor informs Brooke that Stephen didn't take advantage of her and that she sold the stock long before going to bed with him. Taylor later wonders where her life is leading as she sits all alone and remembers times with Ridge. Ridge shows Stephanie his ideas for the Brooke's Bedroom line with the "It Begins With A Kiss" campaign. Ridge tells Stephanie how he plans to kiss Brooke on the runway, which he believes will be the kiss of death for Nick and Brooke. (
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