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The Bold and the Beautiful
(Amour, Gloire et Beauté)
Précédent  14x174 Suivant
Ep. #3436
Diffusé le : 28/11/2000
Bridget drops by to see Rick and notices how on edge he is when he can't get a hold of Amber. Rick guesses that she is with Deacon and heads over to The Lair. Amber pushes Deacon away but he warns her that he has control of the baby and advises her to give in to him. Amber begins to cry as Deacon kisses her. Rick arrives, grabs Amber and they leave as Deacon laughs. Taylor hopes her family photograph will cheer Ridge up as she mentions to Stephanie that he has been stressed lately. Ridge later tells Stephanie that Clarke knows that Morgan is carrying his child. Sally and Darla speak to John, the snake trainer. He tells them it's best to keep the python caged in the office overnight, rather than move her, until the shoot the following day. Morgan yells at Clarke for ruining the relationship that she was building with Ridge and she warns him that he will pay. Later, Clarke thinks to himself that Morgan will get over her anger toward him. Meanwhile, the python has been released and slithers across the office floor. (
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