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The Bold and the Beautiful
(Amour, Gloire et Beauté)
Précédent  14x168 Suivant
Ep. #3430
Diffusé le : 16/11/2000
Sally and CJ ask Connor what their options are where the baby is concerned. Conner tells them that Deacon holds all the cards. Sally decides that she must talk to Deacon, so she heads out to find him with CJ. Rick, Stephanie and Eric gather at the Forrester home as Jonathan comes by. Rick isn't happy when Jonathan still hasn't had the papers drawn up. Eric and Stephanie are worried about what Deacon is capable of, yet more worried about Sally finding out that they are buying the baby. Rick goes to Amber and she is angry at the risk he has taken. Rick promises her that they can now be together again, he wants their family back again. Deacon tells Carmen about the baby and it occurs to him that he has the money, yet nobody has the baby. He realises that they are willing to pay some serious money in order to have his son. Sally and CJ arrive to get some answers from Deacon. Sally realises that he has been offered money, so she offers to pay him more. (
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