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The Bold and the Beautiful
(Amour, Gloire et Beauté)
Précédent  14x167 Suivant
Ep. #3429
Diffusé le : 15/11/2000
Brooke apologises to Thorne for lashing out at him about Kimberly. Thorne asks Brooke if there is a way for them to move past what has happened. Thorne finds Kimberly in his office wearing only lingerie. She attempts to seduce Thorne but gets nowhere. Kimberly is later confronted by Brooke and Kimberly manipulates Brooke into thinking that she has a date with Thorne. Amber storms out of the church with the baby, refusing to let Deacon take him. Rick follows and informs her that Deacon is signing custody over to him. Sally and Stephanie rip each other to pieces as CJ wonders why Deacon would suddenly want his child. Things get out of hand and Sally warns Deacon not to mess with her family. Stephanie and Eric plan to meet Deacon later for him to sign the papers. CJ attacks Rick before leaving with Amber and the baby. (
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